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Saturday, March 9, 2013

Swinburne Quintet

I have never seen this formally named anywhere,  but was made famous
by Algerrnon  Swinburnes'  "The Palace of Pan", and recently popularized by several  works of Eusebius on Allpoetry.com.

I am simply giving it the name so that it may be referenced conveniently.   If this usurps a form of which I am unaware please notify and chastise me quickly.

It is a metrical stanzaic form identified by
Quintets, no minimum specified but clearly meant for longer poems  given
the  first stanza is repeated as the closing refrain.

Each stanza as the syllable form 11/8/11/11/8
with the (independent) rhyme pattern: abaab

Example Poem

Mathematical Assumptions     (Swinburne quintet)

Discoveries brought the theories turned into law
The knowledge base was growing fast.
The Laws helped explain behavior that we saw.
Then Hubble's was crowned although it had a flaw.
It now fails and thus cannot last.

Yes, Edwin had doubts, but they arrived too late.
The Big Bang advocates made hay.
The red-shift allowed math to now calculate
amazing things, like perhaps Big Bang's birth date.
Why let such a plum get away?

All parts of Big Bang were ideation borne.
They have to be.  We were not there.
An advanced math model was most fully born,
already tweaked so much some folks felt forlorn.
Dark things needed came from nowhere.

Math models in particle physics have shone
predicting fermions, et. al.
But out of this true success, hubris has grown
until some have come to trust in math alone.
G. I. G. O.*  now seems the call.

Assuming a Big Bang to initiate
their model is now in conflict
with observations scientists can debate-
a notion leaders cannot appreciate.
Our generation has been tricked.

Discoveries brought theories turned into law
The knowledge base was growing fast.
The Laws helped explain behavior that we saw.
Then Hubble's was crowned although it had a flaw.
It now fails and thus cannot last.

  © Lawrencealot - March 9, 2013

*Garbage In Garbage Out

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